Flights of Fancy - New Necklace Series


A lot has been happening at Rabbit Tales. I now have a part time job, I'm preparing to get back to school, and since there's free time between those two, I have time to stream crafts and work on creating new items.

One of the newest projects? Resin wing necklaces.


The creation of the wings was streamed on Twitch (which, if you haven't subscribed, you totally should) and completed over the following week.

20117030_10203462714804929_3327190500222173412_oI am now happy to announce all the necklaces are available on Etsy! If you're interested in a certain color, I am more than happy to take requests! Click on the image of the necklace you want to get sent directly to the Etsy listing.DSC_0342DSC_0340DSC_0338DSC_0326DSC_0322DSC_0320